Soar: How to Wait with Fearless Strength

Jerusha Agen Fighting Fear 13 Comments

Waiting. Something every human needs to do at some point. And maybe one of the toughest things we need to do in this life.

Perhaps in part because of my chosen profession as a writer, it seems my life has become marked by long seasons of waiting. Career-wise, my recent season of waiting has extended for over ten years. I’ve been given respites from the waiting by small events I deem successes—achievements or gifts that seem to signal I’m on my way to attaining my bigger goal.

Thanks to such blessings during the long season, I sometimes face the waiting with ease and trust. Other times, I can’t find enough trust to fill the eye of a needle. But that’s why waiting is so difficult, isn’t it? Waiting will test our faith in God like little else.

If you’re anything like me, you want to be in control. Or you at least want to know that what’s coming up is going to be good. If the next turn is bad, you want to know when it will happen so you can prepare.

When we’re waiting for something good, we usually want it now. Sometimes we can manage to wait, so long as we know when that good thing is going to happen. But even then, the waiting can allow worry to creep in, as we begin to question if the good we expect will actually take place.

When we’re waiting for something bad, we’d be happy to delay it as long as possible, but the waiting will still leave us anxious and stressed as we wait for ill to befall us.

Are you waiting for something? I am. I’m waiting for good to happen in my career. I’m waiting for bad to happen with a loved one who’s terminally ill. I’m waiting for myself to get my act together and live more like Christ. I’m waiting for people around me to get their act together so they’re easier to love.

During my latest period of waiting, I recently hit a low point. I was losing my way, my sense of purpose and motivation to do the work God has called me to do. I reached the dark place I’ve been to before, where I easily get lost among my laments, echoing in the darkness around me.

There, fear and doubt are my companions, bumping into me in the blackness with the what-if’s and should-have’s and frightfully grim predictions of the future.

Sometimes, God has brought me out of that dark cave with bits of hope in the form of those little successes I mentioned. But this time, He rescued me with a greater hope. He showed me a hope that will last much longer, and He slipped under my feet a sure foundation to hold me firm for future waiting.

The Holy Spirit prompted me to recall a Bible verse I’ve known since my childhood, when I heard it set to music as a memory song for children.

…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.
– Isaiah 40:31

I had forgotten this verse, which used to be a favorite of mine many years ago. Perhaps I had forgotten it in the frustration of waiting. But if I’d remembered it earlier, I would’ve had the hope and direction I have now.

I’m not actually waiting for others to act. I’m not waiting for myself to do something right.

I’m not even waiting for a shoe to drop and something bad to happen.

I’m waiting for something good. I’m waiting for something beautiful and perfect. Because I’m waiting for Someone.

I’m waiting for the Lord.

All those things in this life we’re waiting for? Those are all under our Father’s control. And we know He has only good in store for us (Rom. 8:28).

It’s one thing to say that and to say we believe it, but it’s another thing to live like we do. It’s another thing to live as one waiting on the Lord.

But, wow, what a promise if we do. Our strength will be renewed. We will fly and soar like eagles. We will not grow weary or faint as we keep walking this path God is leading us on.

Oh, how I yearn for my strength to be renewed when I’m in those dark times of despair of the long wait. Since remembering this verse, something amazing has happened. My strength has been renewed!

I have hope, I know my purpose. I’m motivated to serve God better and with joy. I’m walking in light, not wandering in darkness.

Do I still have moments of discouragement? Yes. But at those times, I recite this verse over and over again, meditating on the empowering images of this promise that mean the most to me.

It’s no wonder Lamentations 3:26 says,

It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

How good it is when we wait for our Lord to act, for only in those seasons of waiting do we have a chance to soar.

Are you waiting for something? How do you keep from worrying or becoming fearful as you wait? Please share!

Comments 13

    1. Post

      Isn’t it awesome how God does that, Emily? He always provides, and I love how He gives us encouragement in some form or another when we need it most. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Thanks for the encouraging post! It’s a great reminder that God’s timing is ALWAYS best for us, no matter what it may look like or feel like.

    1. Post
  2. Thank you for this, Jerusha! I struggle with control too. It’s so easy to fall into that old pattern of worry and trying to prepare for what’s around that unknown corner. What a blessing that we have Jesus to hand it all to. I’m so glad He brought that verse back to you. His timing is perfect.

    1. Post

      So glad this post resonated with you, Rebekah. I’m so thankful that we’re really waiting for the Lord when we’re waiting for anything! And I love that His timing is always so perfect, as you said. 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to join the conversation!

  3. Awesome post. At the moment we are waiting for my Grandma to die. She is in such pain and it has dragged on for so long. We are in the last days but then again it could still last weeks. This waiting has been some of the hardest of my life. My mom is with on the other side of the country and I just feel so helpless. God had shown is mercies in this time, but the weariness is taking its toll on us all. We hurt so much we don’t even have the strength to cling to God. All we can do is rest in the fact we know He holds us. Long post, sorry. Thank you for the reminder and please add Grandma Connie and my mom, Sheri, to your prayers.

    1. Post

      I am SO sorry to hear of this trial you’re going through, Crystal. I am already praying for you and all your family. I love what you said, God holds you even when you can’t cling to Him. Like when Peter walked to Jesus on the water and sank because he took his eyes off the Lord. Peter didn’t have the strength to grab hold of Jesus to keep from drowning, so Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him. I know Jesus is doing that for you, Crystal. And as you’re waiting for Him, He is already at work. He is already using this experience, even through the pain, for something awesomely, incredibly good. Some day, whether this side of heaven or the next, you will see how He was at work and how He will redeem this time. But while it feels like you’re drowning in the pain now, I pray you feel His grip on you, pulling you into His arms to hold you and weep with you until that day when your strength is renewed in Him.

      1. Thank you, Jerusha. Your prayers and words mean a lot and made me smile/cry. Odd how this works. Praying for you as you move through your own struggles.

    2. Post
  4. Wow, Jerusha, thank you so much for the encouraging post and your willingness to share your own struggles with waiting! I am also waiting for many things: my writing career, marriage, physical healing for my family and myself. One thing I’ve been encouraging myself with is that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever — in other words, He remains good and changeless despite our circumstances. If I couldn’t believe that God was good all the time, what hope would there be in the waiting?

    I have a dear friend who often tells me that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Another encouraging thing he often says is, “The battle is for the Lord.” God has proven both of these truths in my friend’s life. Over the years, my friend faced several heartbreaking rejections and discouraging obstacles as he searched for a godly wife. And yesterday, in answer to our prayers, he finally got married! Imagine the greater joy he’s experiencing because of the long, painful waiting.

    1. Post

      Good to see you here, Katie! I often find that, especially when it comes to waiting for a marriage partner, God often seems to have His children wait until they learn to be content with what He has given them already–Himself and other relationships. It’s funny how many times I’ve seen God only then bring that spouse a friend was waiting for into his or her life. And how wonderful that timing is! For if He’d given the person a spouse before he/she learned to be content with Christ, the marriage would be miserable and potentially harmful for both parties. So I hope your friend reached that point of contentment before finding a bride.

      I love your reminder that God is good and changeless no matter how long we wait or how difficult our circumstances. The other hope I love to cling to in waiting is that God’s timing is truly perfect. As with this example of relationship readiness, He is always at work in our waiting, shaping and growing us into who and where we need to be when our waiting comes to an end. Trust His timing for you, Katie. It’s perfect. 🙂 Thanks for joining the conversation!

  5. Thanks so much for your meaty reply, Jerusha! Yes, I totally agree with your observations about contentment. For five years, my mom really wanted to have a baby, but she couldn’t. Funny thing—once she learned to be content, even if God never gave her a baby, she immediately got pregnant with my oldest sister! Hmm… While I can’t completely know my friend’s heart, I do believe he was content as a single man, based on certain evidences I saw in his life. If God gave us what we wanted before we learned contentment, He wouldn’t be able to teach us to be content only in Him.

    And a special thank you for the personal reminder that God’s timing is always perfect. It meant so much, that I started a flash flood. 😉

    BTW, it was great to be back on your blog! I haven’t meant to disappear, especially since I enjoy reading your posts, but life can get a little hectic sometimes. 🙂

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