Unhindered: Battling the Fears that Hamper Your Ministry

Jerusha Agen Fighting Fear 23 Comments

Jerusha: I’m thrilled to welcome bestselling Christian author, Carrie Turansky, to the Fear Warrior Blog! Carrie is offering a free paperback copy of her new historical romance, Across the Blue, to one of you who leaves a comment below. So read on for fear-fighting encouragement from Carrie and don’t forget to join the conversation!

By Carrie Turansky

man-talking-in-can (800x533)One area that I have struggled with for many years is the fear of public speaking. But as a pastor’s wife, former missionary, women’s ministry leader, former homeschool mom, and the author of several novels, I’m often invited to speak to women’s groups, writers’ groups, and conferences.

All those life experiences have taught me many lessons, and I believe I have a lot of wisdom and encouragement I could share, but when it’s time to prepare a talk, I spend the week or two before feeling anxious, distracted, and sometimes I even get physically sick.

Maybe you’ve struggled with some of those same feelings before speaking, or perhaps you have other fears that have cast a shadow over your life and hindered the ministry that God has been calling you to. Well, if you do, you are not alone!

I did a little research and found a list of peoples’ top ten fears.  Number one on the list is the fear of public speaking. I could’ve told you that, but I was surprised to see Number two was the fear of death. So I suppose that means some people would rather die than speak in public.

There are several other fears on the list including fear of heights, darkness, and flying; and they all have interesting phobia names—everything from arachnophobia (fear of spiders) to claustrophobia (the fear of confined spaces).

As you can see from that list, the fear of public speaking is a problem for many of people. Even Moses, the man chosen by God to lead his people out of Egypt was afraid to speak in public. He gave God all kind of excuses, saying he was slow of speech and of tongue.

I can totally identify with those feelings. But God asked him an important question, “Who made your mouth?” Of course the answer is, God did, and if He made it, He certainly knows how to fill it and use it.

He also told Moses, “I will help you speak, and I will teach you what to say.” What a wonderful promise. If God is calling you to speak for him, then He will help you grow in that skill and teach you what to say.

When-I-am-afraid-graphic (853x1280)So the next time I’m invited to speak and I feel my anxiety rising, I plan to review God’s words to Moses and claim that promise for myself.

I’ve also started a list of verses to pray through and meditate on as I prepare my talks. This is one of my favorites:

When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? – Psalm 56:4

That verse reminds me that I can choose to trust God rather than giving in to my fears. I can look to Him for the courage I need to face any situation, whether it’s giving a talk, visiting a friend who is seriously ill, confronting someone about an issue, or simply making it through a difficult day.

You and I can find the courage we need to face challenging situations. Because God promises that through faith in Him and by His strength, you can face your fears and overcome them by stepping out and doing what God is calling you to do.

Is fear keeping you from doing ministry? Have you overcome fear that hampered your ministry? Please share!

CarrieTuranskyCarrie Turansky has loved reading since she first visited the library as a young child and checked out a tall stack of picture books. Her love for writing began when she penned her first novel at age twelve. She is now the award-winning author of nineteen inspirational romance novels and novellas.

Carrie and her husband, Scott, who is a pastor, author, and speaker, have been married for more than thirty years and make their home in New Jersey. They often travel together on ministry trips and to visit their five adult children and five grandchildren.

Carrie leads women’s ministry at her church, and when she is not writing she enjoys spending time working in her flower gardens and cooking healthy meals for friends and family.

She loves to connect with reading friends through her website, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

AcrossTheBlue2Carrie is giving away one print copy of her new release, Across the Blue, to a Fear Warrior Blog reader! Simply leave a comment below to enter the giveaway! (Winner will be randomly selected on April 30, 2018; Winner must have continental U. S. mailing address.)

Love soars to new heights in this Edwardian romance filled with adventure, faith, and inspiration, but how much will it cost Bella and James to follow their dreams?

Isabella Grayson, the eldest daughter of a wealthy, English newspaper magnate, longs to become a journalist, but her parents don’t approve. They want her to marry well and help them gain a higher standing in society. After she writes an anonymous letter to the editor that impresses her father, her parents reluctantly agree she can write a series of articles about aviation and the race to be the first to fly across the English Channel, but only if she promises to accept a marriage proposal within the year.

When James Drake, an aspiring aviator, crashes his flying machine at the Grayson’s new estate, Bella is intrigued. James is determined to win that race across the Channel and gain the prize Mr. Grayson’s newspaper is offering. He hopes it will help him secure a government contract to build airplanes and redeem a terrible family secret. James wants to win Bella’s heart, but his background and lack of social standing make it unlikely her parents would approve.

If he fails to achieve his dream, how will he win the love and respect he is seeking? Will Bella’s faith and support help him find the strength and courage he needs when unexpected events turn their world upside down?

Comments 23

  1. The fear of man has too many times been a snare and hindrance to my calling as a worship leader. It has taken obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit to listen and speak what He urges in me, even when I feel foolish. All that matters is that I obey Him- tho’ that isn’t always easy for me to do. He so often confirms what He is whispering to my heart and He strengthens my spirit.

    1. It takes courage to step out and lead others in worship. I’m glad you’re listening to the Lord and using your gifts for Him!

  2. Psalm 56:4 is one of my favorite fear-fighting verses. It puts everything into perspective. Thanks for the encouraging post, Carrie!

  3. “Who made your mouth?” I love that! God is more than capable of carrying us though times of great trial and redeeming us in disaster, and rescuing us from our darkest fears! Even public speaking!

  4. Carrie, it’s so true!
    As many years as I’ve been teaching, I hardly ever step up to the task without butterflies and a feeling of fight or flight in my gut!
    But then, I remember that I’d rather face the fear than miss the blessing!
    Thanks for this encouraging post!

  5. God made your mouth and also Mose’s mouth, too. Interesting that Moses was not well spoken either. I think fear of failure holds us all back including grat men like Moses.

    1. Hi Perrianne, You’re so right. I think fear of failure is one of the underlying issues we need to face and overcome with God’s help. He’s not looking for perfect people, just faithful people.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lual. I hope you have a chance to read Across the Blue! The hero and heroine both learn to face their fears and overcome with God’s help.

    1. Hi Angie, Thanks for your kind words about Across the Blue! I loved learning more about early aviation and women in journalism when I was researching this story. I hope you enjoy it!

  6. The book would be a great addition to our church library. Thanks for the encouraging post. Such a great verse from Psalms.

    1. Thank you, Anne! I’m so happy to hear you have a copy of Across the Blue in your church library! Happy Reading!

      1. Oops, Anne, I read your comment too quickly. Sorry about that! I hope you will be able to add Across the Blue to your church library.

  7. What a powerful post! I also go through anxiety when faced with something that’s outside my comfort zone. And like you, the fear can churn through me, causing physical sickness. Your reminder about Moses will be one that I lean on from now on. Thank you!

    1. Hi Rebekah, thanks for your comment. I’m glad the post was an encouragement to you! Remembering God’s promises and provision is a great way to boost your faith and overcome fears. Blessings to you!

    2. Post

      Congratulations, Rebekah! You’re the randomly selected winner of Carrie’s book, Across the Blue! I’ll send you an email with more details. Thanks for joining the conversation and the giveaway!

    1. Hi Rebekah, that’s great to hear you enjoy reading historical books. Me too! I especially enjoyed the research for Across the Blue and learning more about the birth of aviation and women in journalism. I hope you have an opportunity to read Across the Blue!

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