Woman with arms outstretched in surrender

Surrender: The Surprising Way to Fear Less

Jerusha Agen Fighting Fear 16 Comments

Jerusha: I’m delighted to welcome Stacey Weeks to the FW Blog! Stacey is the author of the fear-fighting book, Glorious Surrender. Please join me in giving this sister Fear Warrior a big FW community welcome!

By Stacey Weeks

Woman holding a white flag in surrenderFear manifests in many ways. For some, it comes in sweaty hot flashes or uncontrollable trembling. Heartbeats race, chests tighten, and butterflies upset stomachs. For others, immobilizing nausea and unquenchable thirst persists. However it manifests, fear is a real and present reality.

We fear death and the unknowns that surround it. We fear the future and unexpected changes. We fear losing control. We fear letting people down. We fear insects, snakes, and the dark. We fear regret, so we are endlessly tossed to and fro in the stormy black water of indecision.

We pray against fear as God’s adopted children (Romans 8:15). We remind ourselves God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We are not supposed to fear – yet, it lingers, ready to rise in life’s unexpected moments.

My Fears

One morning, my daughter’s school telephoned me to confirm her absence that day, but I had dropped my six-year-old off at school that morning. They couldn’t find her.

In the few minutes it took for staff to confirm that she was, indeed, in her classroom (the teacher had marked the wrong student absent), time stood still. I experienced in one heartbeat how fast circumstances can change and how powerless we are to control our lives.

Empty swing at a playgroundDid I really believe God was able to go with me into the dark place that every parent fears? Do I believe that He is committed to walking difficult roads with me, no matter how far, long, or painful it might be? Do I believe that His ways are right and that He is in control?

That phone call raised fear, and it raised deep questions not easily answered.

Fear of God

Not all fear is bad. In fact, we are commanded to fear one thing and one thing only: God.

We fight unhealthy fears with a proactive decision to take every sinful thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We submit our fears to Scripture and remember that God will accomplish His purposes (Isaiah 46:8-11), and then we proactively put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).

We fight fear of the unknown by trusting the Lord to lead our steps as we seek Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). We bring everything to the Lord in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7), and welcome the peace of God that guards our heart and mind.

We remember that all our ordained days are written in God’s book of life before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:16). We remember that God always provides a way of escape from sinful temptations, even the temptation to fear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

How has that changed me? This homebody who dislikes travel and often fears leaving her children has crossed the ocean to reach Haiti and share the gospel.

Fear will not rob me of the opportunity to be used by God. Fear will not drive my decisions.

I have decided that the only fear to which I will submit is the fear of the Lord because it is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

(A version of this post first appeared on Women-Together Leader Blog on Jan 19, 2018.)

Are you battling fear? Have you tried replacing that fear with the fear of the Lord, submitting to Him in faith? Please share in the comments below!

Woman author headshotStacey Weeks is the multi-award winning author of Glorious Surrender (2016), and inspirational novels The Builder’s Reluctant Bride (2016), In Too Deep (2017) and Fatal Homecoming (2019).

Stacey lives in Ontario with her family where she serves in ministry alongside her husband, homeschools their three children, speaks at women’s conferences, and writes about the things of the Lord.

Visit Stacey at her website and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

GLORIOUS SURRENDERCover image for book, Glorious Surrender

I’ve feared surrender. What if it’s hard? Terribly hard? Can I trust God with the things that matter most to me? Perhaps, the bigger question is: Do I fear the Lord?

My life isn’t about me. It’s about Him. The truth is, I will get some things wrong. I won’t always say it right, write it right, or be right. But God hasn’t called me to perfection. He has called me to repentance and obedience. He has called you and me to develop and use our gifts for His glory.

I’ve surrendered my privacy in Glorious Surrender by sharing some deeply personal illustrations. It is my desire that they will point you to the answers found only in Christ.

I’ve surrendered my writing preferences because in many ways fiction feels so much safer. Glorious Surrender is real. It’s raw. Sharing it has put me into an uncomfortable and vulnerable position. But if this helps you in your walk with the Lord, it is worth it. That’s what matters. More than comfort, more than preference, I want to you to deepen your faith and seek the Lord.

If you’ve ever feared yielding everything to the Lord—your life, dreams, children, family, and desires—Glorious Surrender is for you.

Comments 16

  1. Thanks for your Scripture-soaked post! It’s encouraging to be reminded of how many places God’s Word addresses fear, and to remember that the only legitimate fear is the fear of God.

  2. Thank you for sharing – these words are going into my journal today and are a direct answer to a recent prayer I whispered- THANK YOU 😊

  3. This is beautiful and so helpful. I always thought I was pretty fearless until I starting dealing with the aging process. I’m so grateful to the Lord that He’s got it covered!

  4. Loved this, Stacey. i also thought of how fear is manifested in defensiveness and pride. Fear of rejection is what I really feel when, say, I’m given a snarky response by that Wal-Mart cashier but what she/he sees from me is a jut of the chin or a huff = pride. Hard to conquer without a gentle nudge from the Lord. Thanks for sharing.

  5. These scriptures are a much needed reminder for me. My oldest just enlisted in the Army and leaves in two weeks. Prior to this he was a police officer. My youngest son is hoping to be a police officer in a couple years. As a mom, fear has been something I’ve had to pray through and will have to continue to pray through. Without God, I can not imagine what the fear would do to me! Thanks for sharing, Stacey!

    1. I once learned this formula from a Bible teacher: Problem + Promise + Prayer = Change in my attitude.
      I use it often when fear creeps up.

      Name the problem (or whatever it is that I fear).
      Find a promise in Scripture that speaks truth into that problem.
      Pray that Scripture EVERYTIME the fear creeps in.
      Eventually, fear loses it grip as I practice biblical thinking.

      Praying for continued victory in your emotional life as you seek to honor the Lord.

      1. Post
        1. It’s a formula that I use often, and I also use it with my kids – helping them find and commit verses to memory that will aid them in fighting against sinful fear.

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