Forever Friend: How the Only Lasting Relationship Can Beat Your Fears

Jerusha AgenFighting Fear 14 Comments

Jerusha: I’m pleased to introduce you to Tinashe Jaricha! I’m just getting to know this special lady, and I love the way she speaks honestly about the power of God’s promises and truth to fight our fears. Join me in giving Tinashe a big, FW Community welcome!

By Tinashe Jaricha

It was my second year of University when this truth first dawned on me.

The financial burden of paying my tuition fees while taking care of my two sisters was too much for my mom, who is a single mom. While I had stayed on the campus residence in my first year, I was kicked out in my second year and had to find accommodation elsewhere to continue my studies.

I would walk to campus daily for classes and go back to the house which I was renting and shared with other students. Walking those streets by myself, sometimes at night, was not easy.

I felt lonely, vulnerable, and scared.

It was then I started talking to myself as I walked, but l was still scared so I instead started speaking to God. I was actually praying as l walked. I would literally sing praise songs and talk to God. He was my companion and friend.

And after some time, l didn’t feel lonely. I felt God’s presence. And that fear I once felt started becoming less and less.

And I learned the truth that changes everything: God is always with me! He is always with us.

John 14: 16 says, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever…”

The Great I AM, the King of kings, never leaves us nor forsakes us. Wow, just wow!

He walks with us and is by our side. All. The. Time.

Matthew 28:20b says, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Once you grasp this truth, it will change everything for you, too.

Let’s think about this for a second:

The people closest to you—your spouse, parents, children, friends, family, pastor, church leaders, and colleagues may love you deeply. And they can promise to be there for you always. To never leave your side. I make those promises and I mean them. And other people mean them, too, when they say them to you.

Newsflash: It’s physically impossible for any human to always be with us.

At some point, they will leave us and we are left alone.

But l want to assure you of one thing:

Even in times when you are alone and scared, with God by your side you will not feel lonely.

Knowing God is always with you will change your life in 5 ways:

1. Boost of Courage

We live in a chaotic world. Just watch the news. We don’t feel safe sometimes even in our homes. But at times the things that scare us are not ‘out there.’ It’s being asked to do something outside your comfort zone—at work or school or in church. And you just need the courage to do it, right there and then.

The moment you remember God’s presence, you will gain courage.

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6

2. A Forever Friendship

Having moved to two different countries and three cities in the past ten years, I have lost touch with most of the friends I’ve made along the way. But one thing that has kept me going is that I’ve never lost God’s friendship.

He is the constant in my life. My forever friend. And He can be yours, too!

3. Much-Needed Peace

Peaceful is not how I would describe myself. I’m more of a constant worrier, fighting to be peaceful kind of girl. But I have found peace at certain times in certain areas and seasons when I’ve handed over control of the situation to God, knowing that He is an ever-present help for me.

And that peace is available to us all.

4. Lots of Confidence

A lot of women l know suffer from low self-esteem. Um, me too I’m afraid.  Growing up not being that confident, it was only when I knew God better that l became more confident.

Confident in His ability not mine.

Confident in His power.

Confident that He chose me.

Confident that He loves me.

Confident that He is always with me and l can call on Him anytime.

And sure enough, He has never disappointed me.

5. A Hopeful Life 

In times when I’ve gone through difficult situations, leaning on God has given me hope. I know that my difficulties are not a surprise to God. He knows them, He allows them for a season and a reason.

My trust and hope is in His presence to get me through it all. To strengthen me. To guide me.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1

There are so many truths about God in the Bible and the truth of God’s promise to be with us is just one of them which changed everything for me and can do the same for you.

Knowing that God is here, right now, right here and you can talk to Him and He can talk to you changes everything.

Talk to God like you would a friend. You tell your friend everything right? The big things and the small things happening in lifeyour family, your fears, your pain, your hopes, and your dreams. 

Tell it all to God. He is there, He is listening. His presence is always with us.

Have you experienced the comfort of God’s presence in your life? Do you gain courage from knowing God is with you? Please share!

Photos by Chang Duong, Patrick Tomasso, Artem Kovalev, and Ahmed Rizkhaan on Unsplash. Original graphics designed by Jerusha Agen.

Tinashe Jaricha is an African girl living and working in the Middle East. She’s married to her high school sweetheart and blessed with a highly energetic four-year-old daughter.

Tinashe’s love for God led her to start her own blog where she shares what God is teaching her and encourages Christian women. While Tinashe loves God, she’s prone to wander and leave Him, so her daily goal is to abide in His word. She is real and honest about her life’s journey as a Christian navigating the fallen world.

She is passionate about seeing women live intentionally for God, know Him more, and have a deeper connection with Him, while fully being guided by His presence.

Connect with Tinashe on her blog and on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Comments 14

  1. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person I can talk to, because I am blogging, and every “friend” is online! Then I remember that my work and goal is to serve Him, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is with me always, AMEN. God bless you!

    1. Thank you Janene.

      I feel the same way, no one from my friends and family fully understands what is blogging. I’ve met a few online friends, Jerusha here being one of them. I agree that keeping Jesus and His message as the goal will really help and His presence and promises and far better than any human can offer. Be encouraged to keep going. You are never alone.

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